Energy Drinks and Your Teeth

Energy Drinks and Your Teeth

Though sports drinks and energy drinks may provide refreshment after a workout or keep you awake to study, they can also do serious damage to your teeth. People often think of these drinks as healthy alternatives to soda, but that’s not the case. In fact, research...
Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

About 20 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, a long-term lung disease that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways. The condition has been linked to oral health, with patients having increased risk for cavities, gum problems, and bad breath. One of...
General Tips for Healthy Teeth

General Tips for Healthy Teeth

Keeping your teeth and gums in good condition can mean the difference between being embarrassed to smile and being happy to display your pearly whites. Your smile is one of the first things people notice, so here are some things to add to your dental care routine so...
Why Do You Need a General Dentist?

Why Do You Need a General Dentist?

Your good health depends on taking excellent care of your teeth. Not only does proper dental care protect your oral health, but it also has a major impact on your overall health. Routine brushing and flossing are just the start. Establishing a relationship with a good...
Exploring Toothpaste Options

Exploring Toothpaste Options

Across drugstore and grocery aisles, toothpaste options line the shelves. Brushing plays an important part in maintaining dental hygiene. With all the choices, you may feel like it’s a tough to make a decision. Knowing the difference between whitening toothpaste and...